The following post features student writing.
Yesterday was very fun. For lunch Max and Mo made the whole group “chips” (a.k.a. french fries). The whole group had been craving them because here in Fiji they usually make fried cassava instead of potatoes, which is very different than the fries that we have at home. At the construction site, the frame was completed and we started adding the walls of thin tin. Sophia, Jill, Izzy, and Oli started on the murals that are coming out really well, while Alex, Livy, and Kaelyn taught at the school. Dylan and Mo also set up a wiffleball game on the village rugby field with the seventh and eighth graders after school. Max, Alex, Dylan, Sean, and Mo all had fun.
We had a really great day today and finished up our sixth day of community service. Our time in the village has gone by fairly quickly and the work that we have been doing has felt extremely rewarding. We have completed two of the four murals that will be hung in the village school. We are doing the alphabet, the solar system, shapes, and renewable energy. Mo, Max, and Clem taught at the school and they made up math problems and played games with the kids. They speak English very well! In the afternoon we all took a walk to “the blow hole” which was amazing to see. There was a full rainbow visible right above the ocean, which is something we have been seeing lots of lately. We are wrapping up our last days in the village and it has been an unforgettable experience.
– Izzy & Mo